Tension, Stress and Trauma Release Exercises

Life can be stressful and, as you know, we all benefit from feeling more calm and relaxed.

But now, rather than looking outward for the next thing that gives you peace. You can use what you already have inside you, as a human, to build your own resilience.

You can shake!

Begin Your Personal Journey with TRE

A groundbreaking technique based on a sequence of exercises. 

The exercises safely turn on our ancient, natural, instinctive reflex mechanism of involuntary movements and tremoring.

Through the tremors, we let go of muscular tension and our nervous system calms down.

Choose Your Path

  • When we're feeling calm and composed we can meet life's challenges better.

    I can help you achieve this state of mind by providing you with a 60--90 min session consisting of 7 simple warm-up exercises and a tremor session followed by relaxation.


  • An opportunity to get together, shake and share our TRE experience!

    If you’re new to TRE, would you prefer to learn it in a group? Or if you’re experienced you might like to join the class in addition to your personal practice, as you may gain new benefits from shaking with others.

    — Explore

  • Ready to learn TRE with loved ones?

    If you wish to experience TRE with your partner, a friend, or a family member, this option is for you. A private session designed for two people.

    — Explore

  • Empower your team to manage stress effectively during working hours or after work, ensuring they can fully enjoy their free time with loved ones.

    Private group class for 3 or more co-workers.

    — Explore

TRE is not counselling, nor I am trained in the field of mental health.

TRE is a physical process and it allows the body to express itself. TRE eases built-up muscle tension and helps the nervous system reset. The process helps us reconnect with ourselves. My job, as a TRE practitioner, is to guide you through the process, maintaining a safe space for you.

Shaking is natural

It’s normal human behaviour 

We can all benefit from it 

An excellent video that explains the essence of TRE & neurophysiology

— What TRE can help you with

Less stress, tension and anxiety

Less worry & and feel more at ease

Stress less at work

Feel better after a tough day

Boost your energy and stamina

Sleep better at night

Argue less with loved ones

Improve your marriage

Bounce back from emotional challenges

Reduced pain in the body

Move more easily, getting rid of stiffness

Relieves headaches & migraines

Worry less about serious illness

Find relief from chronic health issues & old injuries

Eases symptoms of PTSD/trauma

— Designed by Dr David Berceli,

a specialist in trauma intervention and conflict resolution,

TRE has been shared among large communities, groups and individuals across the world.

A Beautiful Short Video of Participants’

Reactions, Reflections and Experiences with TRE

- Taken from David Berceli’s youtube page -

  • TRE is about meeting the body.

    Reconnecting with this deep natural release.

    It is a tool that teaches us to trust in the wisdom of our body.

  • Shaking isn’t exactly popular in our culture. It’s usually seen negatively – loss of control, vulnerability, weakness. Western medical science isn’t a fan of shaking, either: symptoms of a disorder, part of a problem ...

    But shaking can be part of the solution to life’s problems, as discovered by David Berceli, the founder of the TRE method. So we need to change our attitude towards shaking.

    It’s like this: when there’s a threat or danger, our body responds with high arousal and tension, producing energy, ready for fast physical action. This happens whether the danger is physical (like a sabre-tooth tiger) or mental/emotional, like confrontation, or being bullied or harassed (which is what happens more often now). But – and this is very important – our body’s rapid response systems see no difference between the two.

    If we don’t then use up that energy by fighting or fleeing, the tension remains locked up in the body – and this is what can contribute to, or even cause, long-term stress symptoms such as insomnia, chronic pain, mental fog, worry ...

    Shaking is our body’s natural, inbuilt process to reduce that tension. So to live a more tranquil life it’s helpful to rediscover shaking, and find out how best to do it.

  • Yes, yes, yes!

    It’s for all of us. We all have this natural response within our body. With TRE, you can learn how to access it safely.

  • First-time shakers often say ‘It’s weird!’ , ‘It’s interesting!’, “It’s fun!”

    The tremors generated by TRE generally feel pleasant and soothing.

    The tremors show up in different patterns, speed of movement, and areas of the body.

    After practising TRE, many people report feeling calm, peaceful and relaxed.

  • There are seven TRE exercises.

    They target a range of muscle groups in the legs, from the feet up to the pelvis.

    They’re simple to do, and easy to modify in order to match your body’s specific needs.

  • Of course! that’s the goal ...

    ... provided, that is, you have learnt it with a qualified TRE provider. Most important, you must feel safe and comfortable with the experience.

  • * It’s a natural process, already inside you

    * You don’t need to be mentally focused

    * There is no conscious physical effort whilst shaking

    * It is cost-effective. Once learnt, it’s a lifetime tool

    * You can do it anywhere at any time you choose

    * It doesn’t take long – up to 15 mins each time

    * You don’t need any props, just your body

    * The pattern and flow of the tremors can change over time, and the experience is always a new one

    * It makes you feel good!

  • We all experience stress, anxiety and levels of trauma in our lifetime. But trauma doesn’t have to be a big, significant event, as you might imagine; it can be anything that swamps us, emotionally, mentally or physically, and makes it hard for us to cope. It’s different in each one of us. 

  • When we find ourselves in a scary or dangerous situation, our body does its best to keep us safe. We have an ancient protective system that causes us to fight, flee or freeze in the face of danger. As part of that defensive process our body produces hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, which are pumped into the muscles. The hormones supercharge them, and this gives us a better chance of defending ourselves or escaping. 

    During a traumatic or stressful event, even an emotional one, our bodies still go through these physiological and hormonal changes. They are needed for our survival – but they make the body tense up and the muscles and fascia contract. If this state continues, it can form the root of deep patterns of chronic tension, creating disharmony within the body. 

    — Let's look at the animal kingdom

    We are not the only creatures that face danger. Many members of the animal kingdom encounter life-threatening situations on a daily basis. How do they respond to that? How do they cope with all the high-intensity chemicals in their muscles, giving them a highly charged nervous system? If they’ve survived, after the danger is over they shake. Their entire body shakes for a little while. With the shaking, the animal’s nervous system gets rid of the excess charge accumulated during the stressful event and it can then calm down. They use the shivering to naturally sustain their lifestyle. The body keeps things in balance; just as it protected them during the traumatic event, so it protects them afterwards, by discharging all the highly charged chemicals from the muscles. 

    — We are mammals

    What happens to the animals happens to us too. We have the same instinctual tremors. It is a natural response genetically encoded in us. This is how we can get rid of the shock of a traumatic event, turn off our fight/flight/freeze defence mechanism, and dissipate the excess energy, restoring our nervous system to a state of balance. We benefit from it in the same way that animals do.

— Let’s go a bit deeper…

— Shaking In The Wild


This is a fantastic example of the shaking mechanism in action!

Just before this video, the impala was trying to escape from a leopard attack, and so it was in a fight/flight situation. With no possible escape, the impala went into a freeze response. Luckily for the impala, a hyena interrupted the leopard and stopped it from eating the impala, giving the impala the chance to survive.

Here we see the impala shifting from freeze into the tremor response. This releases all the energy generated in fight/flight mode and suppressed during freeze.

For more Information, Videos and Testimonials
