Shake Off Stress: 11 Reasons Why You Should Try TRE


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding an effective and accessible way to release tension is like discovering a hidden treasure.

That's where TRE (Tension, stress, trauma release exercises) steps in, offering a unique and powerful approach to wellbeing.

Woman relaxing on a field

Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

👉 Imagine a practice so natural that it's already within you, requiring no prior exercise knowledge.

👉 A tool so versatile that it can be seamlessly added to your daily routine.  

TRE, developed by David Berceli, is a revolutionary technique.

Anxiety, stress, and tension impact not only the mind but the body as well. TRE is based on the idea that our body naturally lets go of tension, stress, and trauma through spontaneous shaking. With 7 straightforward exercises, you can learn how to start and stop these body tremors. This innate shaking makes TRE different from other practices, offering a gentle and unique way to say goodbye to tension.

The following 11 compelling reasons show you how TRE is more than just a wellness practice…

…it's your secret tool for a healthier and happier life!


1. Natural Process

TRE taps into your body's natural ability to release tension and stress. It's not an external technique; rather, it helps unlock a process that's already within you, making it a super easy and natural way to feel good. 


2. No Mental Focus Required

Unlike those practices that need you to concentrate, TRE is for everyone, no matter how you are mentally feeling. You can relax and release stress without overthinking. It’s like a meditation in movement. 


3. Cost-Effective Lifetime Tool

Learn TRE once, and you've got a tool for life. There are no ongoing costs or requirements for seeing a TRE practitioner regularly. It’s wallet friendly - a sustainable and accessible wellness practice.


4. Time-Efficient

In our busy lives, finding time for selfcare can be challenging. TRE sessions are short. You can shake for a few minutes up to 15 each time. Easy to incorporate into your daily routine.


5. Effortless Shaking

The shaking or tremoring during TRE is a spontaneous and involuntary response of the body. In other words, your body shakes all on its own – no effort required. 


6. Flexible Anytime, Anywhere Practice

You can practice TRE anywhere, at any time that suits you. Whether at home, in the office, or even on the go - it's like having a relaxation tool always in your back pocket.


7. No Props Needed

TRE is a minimalist practice. You don't need any special equipment or props – just your body. This simplicity makes it accessible to anybody.


8. Dynamic Experience

The pattern and flow of tremors are always different, offering an ever-changing experience. The tremors can move in the body - from the legs to all other areas. Your body moves based on what it needs at the time. Always beneficial, no matter what life throws at you.


9. Accessible to Anyone

You don't need any prior exercise background or specific knowledge to practice it. TRE is for everyone, regardless of fitness levels or experience. Stress release without any barriers – it's wellness for all.


10. Collective Empowerment

TRE is not just an individual practice; it’s for groups and communities too. It can become a collective experience, contributing to a more harmonious and connected community.


11. Nurturing Wellbeing

TRE makes you feel good. Letting go of tension, stress, and trauma leads to greater self-connection and resilience, better mood, more energy, and an all-around sense of well-being. It's different for everyone, but the results are always positive.


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