Women love how TRE & Yoga make them feel

Read on to learn what my clients have to say

Giorgia Torre - testimonials

“I was intrigued to try TRE after Giorgia gave a talk about it at a group I attend. I was particularly interested in the 'Trauma' release side of it as I suffer with CPTSD from life long domestic abuse and was looking for a way to cope with the effects and triggers from that.

I was desperate to find a practice I could use at home, whenever needed. I was excited to attend the workshop in the hopes that this could be the answer, but also a little apprehensive that it might not work for me, so I was quite tense and anxious.

I didn't need to be, as the session was fantastic and very beneficial.

Once the workshop was over I felt extremely relaxed, calm and happy. I definitely felt the beginnings of trauma release and now I can continue to practice TRE at home and hopefully release more.

Giorgia has been great with providing more information about TRE and following up with her support. I look forward to attending another workshop or 1 -1 in the future. If you have any doubts about how beneficial this is for you, mentally and/or physically, I would urge you to try it at least once.

The TRE concept makes total sense.

— Claire Walker-Smart (BA), Artist

TRE workshop guest

“TRE with Giorgia has had a hugely positive impact on my life. Giorgia is an extremely warm, caring and wonderful practitioner who holds a safe, secure and welcoming space.

Working with Giorgia over a number of weeks has been both healing and insightful and I really feel like both my mind and body have benefited from our sessions.

TRE is a brilliant therapy as part of the Trauma healing process. I am a Psychotherapist myself delivering talking therapy, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and IFS. TRE has really helped me to strengthen my mind body connection and has been an invaluable piece to the puzzle in me processing and healing from trauma.

Giorgia is an extremely compassionate, conscientious and caring therapist who is accommodating and creative in always meeting the needs that I bring to our sessions. The whole experience of working with her has been absolutely incredible and I cannot recommend her highly enough. As if it couldn't get any better she also has a beautiful accent and a wonderfully warm, caring and infectious personality. She is wonderful and so is TRE!

I am genuinely extremely grateful for everything that Giorgia and TRE have helped me to achieve. Working with Giorgia has been genuinely life saving.”

— Laura Smith

1:1 TRE client

“I attended the TRE introductory workshop and found the shaking experience incredible and fascinating at the same time.

The blissful state you feel afterwards has to be a very easy way to regulate your nervous system and bring balance to your body. A way that you can incorporate into your life easily.

Giorgia is a beautiful spirit and amazing teacher. I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and was able to put into practice immediately what I had been taught. Thank you.”

— Maria Cutler

TRE workshop guest

“I had never heard of TRE before Giorgia mentioned it to me one day. I was saying how I'd suffered with anxiety for years and that now my son was suffering with it too, which was very upsetting. Giorgia saw that we might gain a lot of benefit from from TRE and so I gladly booked my son and myself on for 4 sessions.

I was amazed at how easy the exercises were and how easy it is to bring the muscles to a tremor state, and even more amazed at how relaxed I and my son felt after each session.

We felt very well supported and cared for throughout the course and always loved the chimes at the end of each session!

Giorgia is a very kind, nurturing person with a natural talent for noticing when a position should be tweaked a certain way to maximise results.

Thank you so much Giorgia, a new life-enhancing mechanism we now have for life, thanks to you!”

— Alison Williams

1:1 TRE client

“Before I started TRE I was stuck in a stress response of fight/flight and not sleeping.

After the first session I felt exhausted but in a nice way. I released so much old trauma and tension and had the best nights sleep I had had in ages.

My sleep has continued to improve and my nervous system is so much calmer!.”

— Hayley Martin

1:1 TRE client

“ I felt very disconnected before the session

and very connected afterwards!”

— Jan Palmer

TRE workshop guest

“I had been looking for a teacher to help me learn tension release exercises (TRE) in a way that works for me. I'm so glad I found Giorgia.

From the start, I felt welcome and supported. Over several sessions she taught me the series of exercises that help the body to release tension through shaking. I especially loved that all her sessions start with her own grounding exercise that helped me to relax and tune in to my body, even if I'd just come from a stressful situation. Such a great way to get ready for learning something new.

It is obvious that Giorgia is an experienced teacher and I loved that she was able to adapt the exercises to suit me. She always checked in with me between sessions and I knew that I could always come back to her with questions.

I am now very comfortable with initiating the tension release on my own and am grateful that I have this tool that I can use anywhere, whenever it suits me.”

— Angela Hempel

online 1:1 TRE client

“Giorgia guided me through a TRE session earlier this year. It was my first session, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. However, Giorgia’s explanation and calm manner made it clear and simple to understand.

We moved through simple exercises, with Giorgia guiding me at all times. When it was over I felt relaxed and we talked through what had happened in the session to complete my understanding.

Giorgia is a calming teacher whose instructions and explanations are clear and helpful.

I would recommend her sessions and hope myself to have more sessions in the future.”

— Louisa Marchbanks

1:1 TRE client

“A well timed news headline led me to search TRE practitioners in my area and I was delighted to find Giorgia in my town. Having been aware of the work of Stephen Porges, Peter Levine, Stanley Keleman et al for quite a while I was now able to learn all about David Berceli and his Trauma Release Process from Giorgia.

I am very pleased with my TRE work with Giorgia who is so knowledgable, pays unending and valuable attention to detail, and is supportive, warm and generous.

Highly recommended for the pursuit of well-being and neural regulation in our current manic and dissociated culture.”

— Lesley Chiles, Dip. Psych UKCP

1:1 TRE client

“I arrived in my usual tense state, and left feeling far more relaxed, both physically and mentally!

My body felt lighter and more open and my mind calmer.”

— Kate Young

TRE & Soundbath guest

"Wow what an amazing experience and an incredible part of my journey to improve my pain.

I can’t think of someone who would be better to learn it from either. I felt nothing but safe and nurtured with Giorgia who’s a wealth of knowledge and advice and take the time to get to know what it is you need as an individual.

I have had a lot of treatment for my back pain, but nothing has been as successful as this.

I highly recommend her."

— Clare Rumble

1:1 TRE client

“I've had only one session of TRE with Giorgia as I don't live locally. It's a shame, as I'd love to do these sessions regularly.

She is guiding you through all the stretching exercises and then you shake. And oh, does the shaking feel good. I felt supported throughout the session and so relaxed after. So much lighter.

I'd highly recommend everyone to try it. Thank you, Giorgia”

— Sirle Oder

1:1 TRE client

“Giorgia is a great teacher - kind, approachable and genuinely happy to share her knowledge.

I exercise regularly but am new to both yoga and TRE and tried Giorgia’s sessions out of curiosity. They were just amazing - Giorgia showed me how to stretch muscles I had never paid attention to and helped release stiffness from my back. On top of that, I felt unusually well and relaxed.

I hope to do more of the same soon. Thank you, Giorgia!”

— Veronika Vrestalova

Yoga & TRE class guest

“Giorgia has such a lovely teaching style.

When doing her yoga class I always feel calm and peaceful but her lightness and playfulness also makes me just let go, smile and not take life so seriously!”

— Jessica Stevens

Yoga class guest

“Every practice with Giorgia is a different and unique experience.

I like the variety of postures, pace and the attention to each individual's needs.

It makes me feel connected to my inner self and grounded.”

— Francesca Paone

Yoga class guest